
Grant Funding Research

We will work with your agency to locate grants and funding sources customized to your particular mission and funding needs. Evergreen Grant Writing is continually monitoring grants that are released in order to match our clients with available sources of grant funding.

Grant Proposals and Applications

Writing and submitting foundation and government grant applications and business proposals. We gather the information and documentation needed and then write and assemble the complete grant application. All grant proposals and applications are reviewed with clients and edited until they meet with the approval of the client before submitting. We then take care of the submission process.

Agency Registration

We can help register your organization on state, city and federal online platforms required to qualify for government grant funding. These include SAM, NYS Grant Gateways, NYC HHS Accelerator and NYC MOCS Passport. The registration process can take time and should be done well in advance of grant deadlines as it requires the assembling of agency documents and submitting them to the registration platform for approval.